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Maureen Flanagan provides the following speech/language services to children and adolescents:


    1. Kindergarten screenings
    2. To determine if a full evaluation is needed

    A comprehensive evaluation of speech, language, social communication, feeding and oral movement skills to determine if there is a need for treatment


    1. Individual therapy services
    2. Programs for the home/school

    Consultative services in a home, office or school setting


    Workshops for professionals, parents and caretakers on the following topics

    1. Typical speech/language/oral movement/communication development
    2. Typical/Atypical feeding development
    3. Treatment for feeding disorders
    4. Providing an Oral Sensory Diet

Ms. Flanagan has been trained in many treatment techniques which have been incorporated into her therapy program. This has resulted in a successful and innovative approach to treatment. These techniques have included:


  • Brain Gym

  • Neurodevelopmental Treatment

    1. Pediatric Course
    2. Advanced Baby Course
    3. Advanced Speech Course
  • Craniosacral therapy

  • Bowen Technique

    1. Certified Practitioner
    2. Associate Instructor
  • Masgutova Primary Reflex Integration Course